Women have a wide range of gynaecological symptoms. The information given below is meant to give some basic information to women about what the different symptoms are. We expect women to discuss any concerns they have even if they are not listed below.
This means increased menstrual flow. This is variable depending on the patient.
This means painful periods. This can vary from mild cramps to severe pain affecting a woman’s daily activities.
This is bleeding in between your periods. This vary from mild spotting to heavy bleeding
This means vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse. This can be a serious problem and one should contact their GP as soon as possible.
This means bleeding after you have stopped periods for a period of 12 months. This can be a serious problem and women should see help as soon as possible.
Normal vaginal discharge is clear and not irritable. Abnormal discharge can be white, curd-like or yellowish and smelly. The former is secondary to a fungal infection and the latter could be due to Chlamydia or gonorrhoea.
This usually means any pain in the pelvic area. Various organs are involved in this including uterus, tubes, ovaries, bladder or bowel.
This means pain during sexual intercourse.