Pregnancy Test & Scan | Child Birth Care Townsville
There are some routine tests performed during your pregnancy to ensure your’s and baby’s well being. They are
Blood tests: You will be given a blood test form to check for full blood count, blood group and antibodies, rubella immunity, syphilis, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, HIV and mid stream urine test.
The blood tests can be done at Sullivan Nicolaides pathology or QML pathology. Both the labs are convenietly situated close to Dr. Kannan’s private rooms.
Ultrasound: You will be requested to have an ultrasound scan initially to confirm the pregnancy and to establish the expected date of delivery (EDD).
Blood tests: There are no routine blood tests during this time of pregnancy.
Ultrasound: You will be asked to have fetal morphology scan at around 18 – 20 weeks to check for any fetal abnormalities.
Blood tests: You will be asked to do a full blood count, antibodies and glucose challenge test to screen for gestational diabetes. If the glucose challenge test is positive, you will be asked to have glucose tolerance test to confirm the diagnosis.
Ultrasound: There are no routine ultrasound scans required during this time of pregnancy.
The above tests are done as routine, as part of the normal pregnancy care. Should you have any previous significant history or develop any symptoms during your current pregnancy, you may be asked to have more blood tests and ultrasound scans. Such conditions include but not limited to are twins, diabetes and hypertension in pregnancy.