Antenatal Care Townsville
Pregnancy is a delightful period in one’s life and quality care is very important during this time. Regular visits to an qualified medical professional to get antenatal care is an essential part to having a healthy pregnancy and subsequent delivery. Regular antenatal care most often helps with early detection of any pregnancy related complications and timely clinical management as required.
This visit is important as it gives Dr. Kannan and yourself to get to know each other. It is good to have your husband/partner for this visit.
- Referral letter from your GP
- Any previous medical/ pregnancy information
- blood test results, if you have had any
- Ultrasound scan results, if you have had any
- Your medicare card and bank details if you wish to use our online
medicare claim facility
- Your private health fund details
You need to fill in a Patient Registration form when you arrive at the clinic. You can download the form and email to admin@urogynaeclinic.com.au or bring it with you. This might save some time when you arrive at the clinic.
The clinic staff will give you the pregnancy information pack that has information on the clinic, fee structure, RANZCOG college approved patient information leaflets and booking in form for Mater Women’s and Children’s Hospital. You will be asked to sign the informed financial consent form once you are happy with the information provided.
Prior to consultation with Dr. Kannan, you may be asked to do a urine test and your height and weight will be measured. Dr. Kannan will then see you and take a full medical history including your past pregnancies, medical, surgical and other relevant history. Dr. Kannan will check your blood pressure and check your baby’ s wellbeing either by listening to the baby’s heart beat or by ultrasound scan. Dr. Kannan will also go through any concerns you might have and arrange for a follow up appointment. This first visit usually takes about half an hour.
We recommend you fill in your booking in form and handover to Mater Women’s and Children’s Hospital . You will be able to book your antenatal classes at the same time. Please contact 07 4722 6688, if you have any questions regarding this process.